


One God, One Planetary Family Image

One God, One Planetary Family

The Consciousness Of Sustainability And Growing Food.  Digging The Dirt Out Of Your Thinking Before You Plant One Seed In The Ground. Image

The Consciousness Of Sustainability And Growing Food. Digging The Dirt Out Of Your Thinking Before You Plant One Seed In The Ground.

The Confusion Of America Image

The Confusion Of America

Annual Academy Awards Fourth-Dimensional Review by Van of Urantia

Annual Academy Awards Fourth-Dimensional Review by Van of Urantia

The Be Aware Proclamation Image

The Be Aware Proclamation

Weather Changes or Mind Changes? Image

Weather Changes or Mind Changes?

Honor, A Forgotten Concept In America Image

Honor, A Forgotten Concept In America

It’s Easy To Get Off Track In Your Spiritual Discovery Image

It’s Easy To Get Off Track In Your Spiritual Discovery

Reading and Seeing with Spiritual Eyes  —  Discerning People Who Try To Become Famous On The Coattails of Famous People Image

Reading and Seeing with Spiritual Eyes — Discerning People Who Try To Become Famous On The Coattails of Famous People

One Nation Under Who? Image

One Nation Under Who?

There Is Only One Side Image

There Is Only One Side

The Big Squeeze Is On, Between Right And Wrong, Between Good And Bad. You Can Hop A Ride On Planet X (Also Called The Adjudicator) Or You Can Hop A Ride On The New Jerusalem. It’s Your Choice. They’re Both Coming To A Local Pickup Location Near You.

The Big Squeeze Is On, Between Right And Wrong, Between Good And Bad. You Can Hop A Ride On Planet X (Also Called The Adjudicator) Or You Can Hop A Ride On The New Jerusalem. It’s Your Choice. They’re Both Coming To A Local Pickup Location Near You.

What’s Going On? Is There A Real Answer? Image

What’s Going On? Is There A Real Answer?

Covid-19, From a Spiritual Perspective. How To Keep From Getting It. Image
Addendum added - 10/15/2020

Covid-19, From a Spiritual Perspective. How To Keep From Getting It.

Who's The Real Parasite Image

Who's The Real Parasite

Reflections on the Superbowl Halftime Show Image

Reflections on the Superbowl Halftime Show

Wake Up America Image

Wake Up America

The Times They Are A Changing Image

The Times They Are A Changing

The Simple Truth In Relation To Conspiracy Theories And The Anunnaki Image

The Simple Truth In Relation To Conspiracy Theories And The Anunnaki

A Message For Our Planet Image

A Message For Our Planet

2018 Academy Awards Viewpoint Image

2018 Academy Awards Viewpoint

Slander and Free Speech—What Did Our Founding Fathers Really Mean When They Wrote In The Amendment Of Free Speech? Image

Slander and Free Speech—What Did Our Founding Fathers Really Mean When They Wrote In The Amendment Of Free Speech?

The Oscars and the Hollywood Delusion.  A New Hope for the Future. Image

The Oscars and the Hollywood Delusion. A New Hope for the Future.

The Office of The President and Free Speech Image

The Office of The President and Free Speech

Is Blood Thicker Than God? Image

Is Blood Thicker Than God?

Chaos To Divine New Order Image

Chaos To Divine New Order

Joy, Hope, And A Sense of Future — Where Did It Go In Our Troubling World? Image

Joy, Hope, And A Sense of Future — Where Did It Go In Our Troubling World?

Why the Serial Killings in our Schools Image

Why the Serial Killings in our Schools

Destiny and Actualization Image

Destiny and Actualization

What Is Reality? Seeing In Part - The Psychic Circles and Higher Consciousness. Image

What Is Reality? Seeing In Part - The Psychic Circles and Higher Consciousness.

The Cost of Being an Activist Image

The Cost of Being an Activist

The Decoys Of Caligastia To Keep People Away From
 The Fifth Epochal Revelation  Image

The Decoys Of Caligastia To Keep People Away From  The Fifth Epochal Revelation

The Consciousness Of Sustainability And Growing Food.
Digging The Dirt Out Of Your Thinking Before You Plant One Seed In The Ground. Image

The Consciousness Of Sustainability And Growing Food. Digging The Dirt Out Of Your Thinking Before You Plant One Seed In The Ground.

The Great Controversy Between A Connection 
To The Forces Of Light Or The Forces Of Darkness Image

The Great Controversy Between A Connection To The Forces Of Light Or The Forces Of Darkness

It's OK, You Can Buy Now Image

It's OK, You Can Buy Now

True Leaders—Where Can You Find Them?  How Can You Identify The False Leaders?  Why Do We Need Leaders? Image

True Leaders—Where Can You Find Them? How Can You Identify The False Leaders? Why Do We Need Leaders?

Is There Such A Thing As Safe Areas And Protected Areas? Are They The Same?  Image

Is There Such A Thing As Safe Areas And Protected Areas? Are They The Same?

Correlations of World Consciousness and Weather Changes—The Adjudication of the Bright and Morning Star Versus Lucifer
(Beginning in 1911 and Upstepping in 1989)

Correlations of World Consciousness and Weather Changes—The Adjudication of the Bright and Morning Star Versus Lucifer (Beginning in 1911 and Upstepping in 1989)

To Achieve Cultural And Religious Unity In A One-World Government Outside Of The Control Of The 1%, A Global Spiritualution Is The Only Answer Image

To Achieve Cultural And Religious Unity In A One-World Government Outside Of The Control Of The 1%, A Global Spiritualution Is The Only Answer


The "Occupy Movement" Was Actually The Right Name, Because The "99%" Is A Misnomer. The Leftover Middle Class Are The Silent Apathy-ites.

The “Occupy Movement” Was Actually The Right Name, Because The “99%” Is A Misnomer. The Leftover Middle Class Are The Silent Apathy-ites. Image

The “Occupy Movement” Was Actually The Right Name, Because The “99%” Is A Misnomer. The Leftover Middle Class Are The Silent Apathy-ites.

The Invisible War Image

The Invisible War

The Occupy Movement Needs To Fuse With The Spiritualution Movement To Win Against The 1%

The Occupy Movement Needs To Fuse With The Spiritualution Movement To Win Against The 1%

The Higher-Consciousness-Handicapped Presidential Nominees, Our Current Compromising-Consciousness President, And The Need For Both To Lean On Somebody Or Fall

The Higher-Consciousness-Handicapped Presidential Nominees, Our Current Compromising-Consciousness President, And The Need For Both To Lean On Somebody Or Fall

Occupiers Must Learn How To Use The Creator To Win Over The Power-Elite And Their Soldiers Of Gas-Destruction Image

Occupiers Must Learn How To Use The Creator To Win Over The Power-Elite And Their Soldiers Of Gas-Destruction

The Occupy Movement In Relationship To George Washington,The Colonists, And How They Won The Revolution Image

The Occupy Movement In Relationship To George Washington,The Colonists, And How They Won The Revolution

Pseudo Activism And University Students. The Great American Dream Is Over, But Many Millions Of Americans Still Hang On To False Hopes.  The 99% Are Beginning To Awaken To The Entrapment Of The False Powers. Is There An Answer To The Future?

Pseudo Activism And University Students. The Great American Dream Is Over, But Many Millions Of Americans Still Hang On To False Hopes. The 99% Are Beginning To Awaken To The Entrapment Of The False Powers. Is There An Answer To The Future?

The White Baby Boomers' and  X-Generation's Responsibility. (The Once Middle Class), The Cry of the Indigenous, And The 99% Movement Image

The White Baby Boomers' and X-Generation's Responsibility. (The Once Middle Class), The Cry of the Indigenous, And The 99% Movement

Defining a Spiritualution—a Spiritual Revolution—In Reference to the 99% Movement and Occupy Wall Street. What the People Must Do to Win Over the Power Elite.  Image

Defining a Spiritualution—a Spiritual Revolution—In Reference to the 99% Movement and Occupy Wall Street. What the People Must Do to Win Over the Power Elite.

Democracy:  What It Is and What It Isn't in America.
Defining Democracy from a Fourth-Dimensional Consciousness. Image

Democracy: What It Is and What It Isn't in America. Defining Democracy from a Fourth-Dimensional Consciousness.

The Five Principles of Planetary Peace and Justice Image

The Five Principles of Planetary Peace and Justice

The Truth and Answers About Free Healthcare Image

The Truth and Answers About Free Healthcare