Van of Urantia

Spiritual Activism

Van of Urantia Spiritual Activist

Mahatma Ghandi said, “Be the change you want to see in the world”. It is easy for most of us to identify what needs to change in the world around us, but much more difficult to see where we personally need to change to help make the world a better place. Van ’s message is that spiritual activism, the willingness to make personal sacrifices and step outside of our comfort zones, is the key element needed from the mass population to change the world and establish a system of global justice.

In the early 90s Van began the “Spiritualution℠—Justice to the People” movement and has taught for more than 20 years the principles of proactively working to become a better person by making decisions for the good of others and fighting against greed, prejudice, and elitism. Many who have followed Van ’s teaching over the years see the Spiritualution movement as the forerunner, foundation, and destiny of the current 99% / Occupy Movement.

In early 2010, approximately one year before the 99% / Occupy Movement began, Van drafted the Be Aware Proclamation to raise awareness of the increasingly challenging social, environmental, and spiritual problems we face in our modern global society, and to give solutions to overcoming these problems.

Humanity must begin to expand its consciousness on the vastness of the Creator and the Creator's creation. It is essential now that a Spiritualution movement take place and we come together in radical unity against religious dogma, fundamentalism, and narrow-mindedness.

~ Van